This is a short week with the Easter holiday, and it has been a busy week for me as a return to my practice after TECHSHOW. Here are the iPhone and iPad news items that caught my attention this week and might be of interest to you:
- Florida attorney Katie Floyd of the Mac Power Users podcast has been shopping for an external keyboard for her new iPad. In this post, she explains why she tried the Apple Wireless Keyboard but ultimately opted for the ZAGGkeys Flex.
- New York attorney Niki Black writes about last week's ABA TECHSHOW for The Daily Record. I was honored to see that she wrote: "My favorite session was the '60 iOS Apps for Lawyers in 60 Minutes' given by attorneys Josh Barrett, Brett Burney and Jeffrey Richardson. This presentation stood out due to the quality of the content and the beautifully designed slides. The speakers presented the material with ease and humor and obviously knew their stuff. The apps discussed were highly relevant to lawyers who use iPhones and iPads in their practices." Thanks! We had a blast putting together and presenting the session.
- South Carolina attorney Jim Dedman of Abnormal Use tried to depose Siri.
- Have you ever wondered why, when you travel with an iPad instead of a laptop computer, you don't need to remove the iPad to go through TSA? Matt Richtel of the New York Times researched the reason for the distinction, and apparently there isn't much of an answer. Regardless, I love this policy so I hope that TSA doesn't change it.
- Jim Tanous of The Mac Observer analyzes the change in iOS 5.1 that causes an iPhone 4S on AT&T to say that it has 4G instead of 3G.
- ExhibitView is powerful app that you can use to give presentations in court or in a meeting using an iPad. It was recently updated to version 2.0, and then 2.1, and is dedicated to the memory of Finis Price, author of the great TechnoEsq. blog who recently passed away. (When the ABA Journal ran its Droid vs. iPhone feature back in 2010, Finis Price argued for the iPhone.)
- Brian Malcom has tips for litigators using an iPad in this article for Law Technology News.
- Andy Ihnatko of the Chicago Sun-Times provides more thoughts on the new iPad.
- Glenn Fleishman of TidBITS explains that Apple's success comes from releasing products like the new iPad with important, albeit only incremental, changes.
- Ben Bajarin of Time explains why America needs Apple.
- If you upgraded to the new third generation iPad, you now have an extra iPad. If you want to pass your old iPad along to a child, Christopher Breen of Macworld has tips for doing so.
- And finally, I recently had an opportunity to see Walter Isaacson, author of the Steve Jobs book, speak about the book and his time with Steve Jobs. On April 2, Isaacson gave a 20 minute presentation at the John Adams Institute in Amsterdam and then had an hour-long Q and A session. The session was recorded, and if you are interested in Steve Jobs and you haven't had an opportunity to see Isaacon speak over the last few months as he has toured the country (and apparently, the world), I recommend that you set aside 90 minutes to watch the video. You can watch it below, but unfortunately it is in Flash format so you cannot view it on an iPad or iPhone.