As I noted this past Friday, this is a slow time of year for iPhone news, especially iPhone news that I think might be especially interesting for lawyers. I'm working on some app reviews, but they are not ready to post yet, and as a result I had nothing iPhone-related to post yesterday and the same is true for today.
While we have this pause in normal operations, I thought that this would be a good time to recommend that you become a regular reader of the great legal humor blog Lowering the Bar. The blog is the creation of Kevin Underhill, an attorney in the San Francisco office of Shook, Hardy & Bacon and (like me) a graduate of Georgetown University Law Center. Underhill consistently provides humorous takes on law-related news of the day, and it is rare that I make it through one of his posts without laughing, or at least smiling. (Heck, even his "About" and "Disclaimer" pages are pretty humorous.)
I believe that Underhill is an iPhone user [he told me after this post went live that he uses an iPhone 3GS], and every once in a while he might happen to mention something about the iPhone on Lowering the Bar — such as his post on the Phoenix Wright iPhone game or his post "Epic Trademark Battle Erupts Between Makers of Competing Fart-Sound Software" — but don't expect to hear much about the iPhone on his blog. Instead, expect to read about absurd scenarios giving rise to even more ridiculous lawsuits, funny contractual provisions (I love this one) and Kevin's sometimes bizarre but always funny take on the events of the day.
If you use an RSS reader, I encourage you to add his site to your feed. Otherwise, be sure to visit Lowering the Bar from time to time, whenever you need a good laugh.