I didn't run across very many interesting iPhone-related news items this week that I considered worth sharing here, but perhaps the quality helps to make up for the lack of quality? I suppose that we are in the technology doldrums of Summer when not much happens of note. Or maybe it's just because it is Friday the 13th? Anyway, take a look at these if you missed them this week:
- Apple released iOS 4.0.2 for iPhone this week. The update fixes a single security flaw that could be used by a website to install software on an iPhone without the user knowing about it.. There are no reports of any bad guys exploiting this flaw to harm an iPhone, but this was the flaw that was being used by many for the last two weeks to jailbreak an iPhone by simply visiting a website. I'm sure that the jailbreakers already have a new technique planned, but I am glad that Apple addressed this serious security flaw so quickly before it was used for evil purposes.
- John Gruber of Daring Fireball shares his thoughts on a possible Verizon iPhone in January of 2011.
- Eric Taub of the New York Times reviews some new battery chargers for the iPhone.
- Jeanna Wortham of the New York Times wonders about rules of etiquette on using your smartphone to text or check e-mail.
- Nashville attorney Barry Shrum provides four thoughts on the iPhone 4.
- iSmashPhone reviews CardMunch, an app that scans business cards.
- Lifehacker posted a list of its editors' favorite iPhone apps. I don't agree with all of the choices, but there are certainly some great ones in there.
- According to this statistical analysis by an online dating service, people who take their profile picture with an iPhone, without a flash, in the afternoon are more likely to have sex. So now you know.
- And finally, following up on recent studies indicating that a huge percentage of BlackBerry owners plan to move to an iPhone, the always funny web comic The Joy of Tech shared this tale of breakup: