There were a few small but important software updates over the last few days, so Brett and I start this week's episode of the In the News podcast by telling you what you need to know about that. We also discuss Barbra, the iPhone 15 Pro Max, HomeKit, Taylor Swift, and the best options for a budget iPad stylus.
In our Where Y'at segment, we discuss three examples of an Apple Watch being a lifesaver. We also talk about why you might want to get an AirTag for your car.
This week’s episode is sponsored by Lit Software, the company behind must-have apps for many lawyers such as TrialPad and TranscriptPad. I discuss a great new feature in Lit Software that lets you incorporate video with a transcript and why this can be truly game changing, a topic that I also addressed in this post. Learn more at the Lit Software website.
In our In the Know segment, Brett discusses the Veteran’s Day Challenge Badge, and I discuss using iKlear to keep all of your Apple products clean.
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