I did not expect to have new Apple announcements to discuss this week, but here we are. First, we have Apple's announcement of the new Apple Music Classical app, coming out in a few weeks. Second, we have a new color of the iPhone 14: yellow. Third, we have new colors and styles for Apple Watch bands. Brett Burney and I start this week's episode of the In the News podcast by discussing the new news from Apple. After that, we discuss the popularity of the iPhone, using the Google Photos app on an iPhone, setting your Apple Watch ahead to make sure that you stay on time, the evolution of ringtones on the iPhone (and why we may be due for a new default ringtone), and more.
In our In the Know segment, Brett and I both discuss advanced features of the Overcast app—a popular app for listening to podcasts. Brett explains how you can share an entire podcast, or better yet, a specific part of a podcast with others. I explain how you can use the Overcast app to listen to audio that you download from just about any other source. I used it earlier this week to listen to a recording of a U.S. Fifth Circuit oral argument, and it made the listening experience far better than it would have been without the Overcast app.
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