Dallas attorney Tom Mighell wrote iPad in One Hour for Lawyers, a great introduction to the iPad that I reviewed last year. His follow-up book is iPad Apps in One Hour, a book that describes about 200 apps that are recommended for lawyers who use an iPad. Mighell gave me a free review copy of the soft cover version of the book, but I see that it is also available on the iBookstore. True to its name, you can read this entire book in about an hour, and after doing so you will have a good handle on the apps that you can use to make the most of an iPad in your law practice.
After providing some introductory information on getting and using apps, the book is divided into six sections:
- Apps for getting organized and being productive
- Documents: creating and organizing them
- Apps for the law office
- News, reading and reference apps
- Utilities
- the iPad on the road
In each section, Mighell provides an overview of how you can use an iPad to be more productive and then he describes apps, starting with his recommended apps for each task and then listing other good alternatives. Each app gets a one-paragraph description, and for many apps there is a screenshot to show you what the app looks like.
Although Mighell gave me the paper version of this book to review, I actually recommend that you get the version on the Apple iBookstore. That way, when Mighell describes an app and provides a link, you can just tap the link to get the app on your iPad instead of having to search for the app or type a URL. Also, the iBookstore version of this book is cheaper. The paper version costs $34.95 when you buy it through the ABA, or costs $19.95 if you are a member of the Law Practice Management section. The iBooks version of the book costs $17.99 so you save $2 and can download and can start reading the book almost instantly. Note that this is a traditional iBook; you don't get the advanced graphics and videos that you get when someone uses the iBooks Author tool, such as the book I reviewed yesterday, Paperless by David Sparks.
iPad Apps in One Hour for Lawyers provides what the title says and is a helpful resource for a lawyer looking for an overview of useful apps.
Click here to get iPad Apps in One Hour for Lawyers from the ABA ($34.95 or $19.95)
Click here to get iPad Apps in One Hour for Lawyers ($17.99):