Tomorrow is the last day to vote for your favorite websites in this year's ABA Journal Blawg 100 list. iPhone J.D. is one of the 10 websites in the "Legal Technology" category, and if you find this website useful from time to time, I'd certainly appreciate your vote. Don't worry, it only takes about 30 seconds; just click here or on the graphic below, provide a name and e-mail address to register (an attempt to reduce people voting more than once), and then vote for your favorite websites in several categories. The only prize is publicity, but I'd love to increase awareness of all of the things that lawyers can do with an iPhone or iPad.
I see that George Washington Law Professor Jonathan Turley is pulling out the big guns to get votes this year in the "Opinion" category by invoking the inspiring words of Bluto from Animal House. I won't try to top that, but I do want to thank those of you who have already voted for iPhone J.D., as well as those of you who will vote today or tomorrow.