If you are looking to get some new apps for your iPhone (or iPad), it's the most wonderful time of the year. You see, a whole bunch of people are going to be getting a new iPhone, iPod touch or iPad on December 25, and many will also receive iTunes gift cards to purchase apps for their existing or new devices. That means that a HUGE number of people are going to be purchasing apps starting in just a few days. If you are an app developer, you want your app to be high on the lists of the most popular apps. What's a quick way to make a lot of sales this week and get higher on those lists of popular apps? Reduce the price of your app substantially, or even make it free.
As a result, you can currently load up your iPhone and iPad with lots and lots of apps — especially games — at a fraction of the normal price. For example:
- 1Password for iPhone ($9.99 -> $5.99)
- 1Password for iPad ($9.99 -> $5.99)
- Wolfram Lawyer's Professional Assistant for iPhone and iPad ($4.99 -> $2.99)
- The Monster at the End of This Book ($3.99 -> $0.99)
- Madden NFL 12 for iPhone ($4.99 -> $0.99)
- Madden NFL 12 for iPad ($9.99 -> $0.99)
- Scrabble for iPhone ($1.99 -> $0.99)
- Scrabble for iPad ($9.99 -> $0.99)
- Trivial Pursuit Master Edition for iPad ($4.99 -> $0.99)
- Tapper World Tour HD ($1.99 -> $0.99)
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12 for iPad ($4.99 -> $0.99)
- Yahtzee HD for iPad ($4.99 -> $0.99)
- Monopoly for iPad ($9.99 -> $0.99)
- Mirror's Edge HD for iPad ($9.99 -> $0.99)
- Risk for iPhone ($2.99 -> $0.99)
- Risk HD for iPad ($9.99 ->$0.99)
A few that I can personally recommend from that list: (1) if you are looking for something fun to do with your kids, my six-year-old son and my four-year-old daughter both love The Monster at the End of This Book; (2) Scrabble for for the iPad is fantastic if you love word games; (3) Tapper World Tour HD is a lot of fun if you have great memories of the Tapper arcade game when you were younger (as I do); and (4) Mirror's Edge is a fun, fast-paced game.
For even more great deals, AppAdvice has a list of over 180 iPhone and iPad apps on sale, and Touch Arcade has a list of games on sale from Gameloft, Electronic Arts (which is offering every game for either $0.99 or free), Telltale, and others.
Enjoy your new apps!