This week's installment of In the News starts off strong with reports from attorneys about the apps that they use to be more productive, but then quickly devolves into silly stories about sex and undergarments. What can I say, August is a slow news month, especially when it is this hot outside.
- Birmingham attorney James Moncus III writes in Law Technology News about a trial in which he decided not to use traditional PC-based software to display trial exhibits and instead used an iPad with the TrialPad app. He talks about how using an iPad gave him more flexibility and helped him to get the largest verdict of his career. I'm testing out version 2.0 of TrialPad right now, and so far I am very impressed.
- North Carolina attorney Stephanie Kimbro describes some of the iPad apps that she uses in her law practice such as QuickOffice, SignMyPad Pro and LogMeIn Ignition.
- Attorney Tom Mighell compares two iPad PDF reader apps — GoodReader and PDF Expert — on his iPad4Lawyers site.
- David Pogue of the New York Times provides some great trips for traveling, many of which involve the iPhone.
- Nathan Clevenger of InfoWorld writes about how large companies are supporting the iPhone and iPad because their employees are going to use them anyway, a concept he calls the consumerization of IT. (via Reid Trautz)
- Jeremy Peters of the New York Times writes about the success of the New Yorker app for the iPad.
- Ben Duchac explains why his (tech savvy) mother returned her new Android phone to get an iPhone instead.
- If you use Gmail, you'll be happy to learn that the Gmail for mobile now supports the iPhone 4's retina graphics and has other new features, as noted by Joseph Volpe of Engadget.
- Stacey Higginbotham of GigaOm cites a British study that concludes that smartphone are addictive.
- Similarly, Sue Megrund of AppAdvice cites a survey finding that people would rather give up chocolate, caffeine, alcohol and sex than give up their iPhone.
- I could also link to Harry McCracken's story over at Technologizer where he debunks the story about people liking the iPhone more than sex, but where would the fun be in that?
- Three words that I never expected to use together before this week: Angry Birds Bra.
- How do you top those three words? Check out Hand iPhone Case. Creepy.
- And finally, I love reading magazines on my iPad and for the last few months I have been transferring my paper magazine subscriptions to digital iPad subscriptions. As magazines publishers come out with publications built for the iPad, they are coming up with interesting ways to market their publications, such as this video produced to drum up awareness for the new Cosmo for Guys on the iPad: