I have been on the road lately and haven't had a chance to purchase a new iPad 2, but I did get a chance to try one out earlier this week when I was meeting with another lawyer who had one. What an impressive device; it really feels much better in your hand than the original iPad. And with the iPad 2 on everyone's mind, it comes as no surprise that the news of note from this past week is virtually all about the iPad:
- If you are going to get an iPad 2, should you get the Wi-Fi only model or the 3G model? For the past week, I've been using my original 3G iPad with the cellular data turned off and using my iPhone 4 as a Personal Hotspot. The combination seems to work very well. The battery on the iPhone 4 deplete somewhat more quickly with the hotspot feature turned on, but my overall experience leads me to think that I don't need 3G on an iPad 2. For more information on the Personal Hotspot feature of the iPhone 4, check out this great article from Glenn Fleishmann on Macworld.
- Apparently another difference between the Wi-Fi and 3G iPad 2 is the microphone on the unit. Charles Starrett of iLounge has details.
- How much better are the graphics on the iPad 2 versus the original iPad? One way to find out is to look at a game that pushes graphics to the limit, and Trevor Sheridan of App Advice looks at Infinity Blade and Real Racing 2 HD. Of course, over time, I'm sure that games will do more to take advantage of the iPad 2, but these first efforts seem impressive.
- Attorney Clark Stewart discusses his efforts to get an iPad 2.
- Justin Kahn of the iPad Notebook site looks at TrialPad, an iPad app that runs presentations with the ability to annotate.
- Attorney Reid Trautz looks at translation apps in what is a preview of the 60 Apps in 60 Minutes session that we will give at this year's ABA TECHSHOW.
- Art of the iPhone identifies 50 magazines available for the iPad.
- I am a big fan of LogMeIn Ignition, an app that allows you to remotely control a PC or Mac from an iPhone or iPad. The app was just updated to add a feature that allows you to quickly get a file from a remote computer, and I'll be talking about this feature more after I have had a chance to try it out. But I wanted to note that a competitor to LogMeIn Ignition, VMWare, is also available and Sean Hollister of Engadget has an overview.
- Leander Kahney of Cult of mac writes that a Hugarian politician is drafting a new version of the country's Constitution on his iPad.
- Lex Friedman of Macworld posts 10 power user tips for the iPad.
- Sean Doherty of Law Technology News discusses Worlddox DMS for the iPad.
- And finally, here are Dave Letterman's Top 10 reasons to get an iPad 2: