Are you getting ready for Halloween and trying to decide what your costume will be this year? Reko Rivera and John Savio of Tampa, Florida are ready with their costumes, and they are each dressing up as an iPhone 3GS, or as they call it, GuyPhones. Each costume consists of a 42" flat screen television, three batteries including a car battery that has to be held between their legs, a jailbroken iPhone with a live output of an iPhone screen to the television, and a lot of fancy artwork on a plastic shell to create the front and back of the iPhone. The result is a costume that weighs 85 pounds but is essentially a working iPhone 3GS that can run for 4.5 hours before needing to be recharged. The costumes cost around $2,000, but the pair hopes to make that money back by participating in some costume contests.
Here are some of the pictures that Savio posted to a MacRumors forum (click on the post to see even more pictures) and a video that the pair posted to YouTube. Thanks to TUAW for the post that brought this to my attention.