Every year in December, the ABA publishes a list of the top 100 law blogs (blawgs) in the ABA Journal. Last year's results are here, and there are some great blogs on the list. iPhone J.D. was launched in November of 2008—far too late to be included in last year's list—but I hope to be included in this year's list so that even more lawyers using iPhones can find out about this site.
The ABA is accepting "Amici" submissions to help them pick the top blawgs that other lawyers should know about. Click on this link if you want to tell the ABA about one or more blawgs that you enjoy. I would obviously be thrilled if any of you mention iPhone J.D., but please don't feel compelled to do so. Indeed, the ABA Journal editors have explicitly said that they will look unfavorably on "campaigns to flood us with comments about a particular blog," and the last thing I need is one of you showing off your iPhone programming skills by writing an app that votes once a minute! But I did want you to know about the ABA's request for submissions, so now you do. The deadline is Friday, October 2.
Now I need to decide which ones I will suggest. There are so many good choices!