Last week I reviewed Court Days, an iPhone app by Los Angeles attorney Dan Friedlander sold through his company Law On My iPhone. He has another series of iPhone apps called myMCLE that help you keep track of your CLE (Continuing Legal Education) hours. This is a perfect iPhone app: useful, easy to use, excellent design and inexpensive.
Right now the app is available only for one state, myMCLE California, so that is the version that I am reviewing here. And since I don't practice in California, I must admit some ignorance on the different categories of CLE hours required by the state and I am just assuming that the app treats them appropriately. Apps for other states are coming. [UPDATE 8/14/09: You can now get apps for Florida, Louisiana, California, New York and Texas. Click here for a list of all of these apps on iTunes: ] The app gives you a space to enter the important information on the CLE including topic, provider, completion date, and the credit hours including the state-specific categories for credit hours. The interface is very clean with the standard iPhone scroll wheel used to select dates and simple sliders to enter the number of hours.
Once you have entered your hours, the main screen of the app provides you with an overview of your hours, and the details screen provides a list of information for each different CLE that you attended. On the main screen, there is a button to e-mail yourself (or anyone) a list of each CLE you attended and the hours, providing an easy way to get your data off of your iPhone.
I am looking forward to the Louisiana version of this app, and I hope that similar apps are soon available for every state. I often find myself trying to remember where I stand on annual CLE hours, and this app provides a simple and fun way to store this information on the iPhone. And if you get bored during your CLE, entering your hours into this app will give you something to do for a minute or two and will provide a feeling of accomplishment.