Tekk Innovations is a small technology firm in Mountain View, California. One of the guys there, Kasim Te, worked as an aviation consultant and helicopter instructor which required him to constantly refer to a few titles of the Code of Federal Regulations. There are no iPhone apps containing the text of the CFR, so Te (who is not a lawyer) thought it would be helpful to make them. The result is around 50 different CFR iPhone apps, one for each title of the CFR.
Each of these apps is very bare bones and doesn't come close to the features of statutory apps by Cliff Maier and The Law Pod. Start the app and you will see a top level index. Tap on a chapter to drill down to subchapters and parts to see the full text of a part.
On the main screen you can scroll up to find a search box, where you can enter a phrase and see sections that contain the word.
Unfortunately, the app does not highlight your search term in the results. Sometimes you happen to find the word easily (such as the above example of the word "passport" in 8 C.F.R. § 211.2, where it is the second word) but other times I found myself wasting a lot of time scrolling to find the word. And in a few cases, I could not find the word at all, and I have no idea why the section came up as a search result.
Another problem is that there is no way to export text from the app. The standard iPhone 3.0 behavior of selecting text does not work at all, nor is there any button that allows you to e-mail text. There is also no way to bookmark a section you use frequently. Each of these apps is just incredibly simple with no frills.
For example, if you compare Cliff Maier's $7.99 CFR Patents app which contains the text of Title 37 (see here and here for reviews on iPhone J.D.) to Tekk Innovations's $9.99 37 CFR app, the differences are numerous. Maier's app has a better search feature, lets you bookmark favorite sections, lets you e-mail sections, allows you to view the layout in different ways, give you the option to browse backwards and forward through sections, and gives you the ability to jump to a specific section—great features that are all missing from Tekk Innovation's app, which costs more.
But aside from Title 37, if you want the CFR on your iPhone, these Tekk Innovations apps are currently your only options. Kasim Te tells me that an update to the user interface is coming in the "near future," so hopefully some of these missing features will be added soon. Even now, in their current simple state, these apps may be useful to some of you who frequently want to view a CFR title and don't mind the limitations. Fortunately, Tekk Innovations has made it easy for you to decide whether these apps are useful to you; you can download Title 1 (general provisions) and Title 3 (The President) for free to give the apps a test spin. Each of the apps works the same way, so if you like what you see with Title 1 and 3, you can then buy the title that you want. Most titles are $9.99, but some are $4.99 and some are $19.99.
Click here to get 1 CFR (free):
Click here to get 3 CFR (free):
Click here to see a list on iTunes of all of the Tekk Innovations apps: