On March 17, Apple previewed the next version of the operating system for the iPhone, iPhone Software 3.0. I've previously noted a few of the features that lawyers will love about 3.0 (see also this follow up) but until last night, Apple wasn't giving any indication of when 3.0 would be here except to say "this summer."
Summer may not officially begin until June 21, but last night Apple indicated that 3.0 is almost ready. Apple updated iTunes to version 8.2, and the release notes say loud and clear: "iTunes 8.2 now supports iPhone or iPod touch with the iPhone 3.0 Software Update," as shown on this screen from my computer last night:
I can't imagine that Apple would tell us that it was updating iTunes to support 3.0 unless 3.0 was right around the corner. As I've noted before, this upcoming Monday June 8 -- right around the corner -- is the start of Apple's Mac and iPhone developer conference, WWDC. This seems like a natural time for Apple to release iPhone Software 3.0, and with the release of iTunes 8.2, it seems all but certain to me that we will see 3.0 next week.
My reaction to this news? Yeah!!! Last year's 2.0 version of the iPhone software completely revolutionized the iPhone, adding third party apps, support for Microsoft Exchange (critical for all of the lawyers who work at law firms that use Exchange), and a ton of other new features. The 3.0 software will also add major features, and I can't wait to see all of the new things that our iPhones will be able to do in just a few days. The already amazing iPhone is about to get a lot more exciting.