It was another busy week for iPhone news. Here are some of the articles and other items that I have run across this week that you might find interesting.
- Would you like to upgrade from an iPhone 3G to an iPhone 3GS? Would you like to pay only $15 to do so? Attorney Aaron Street explains how he did so on his Lawyerist website. [As kwg notes in the comments, Street had an older, out-of-contract iPhone.]
- Alan Cohen writes this article for Corporate Counsel magazine entitled "Tasty Apps to Add to Your iPhone."
- Bill Nye the Science Guy explains to Gizmodo what it means for the iPhone 3GS screen to be oleophobic.
- AT&T is now selling a $10 a month app that provides turn-by-turn directions on the iPhone. Harry McCracken reviews the app on his Technologizer site.
- David Pogue of the New York Times has a cute video comparing the iPhone 3GS to all other cell phones. If you missed it when it came out last week, click here to see it via iTunes.
- If you own an Apple TV, thanks to recent updates to that product and the Remote app, you can now control your Apple TV with simple finger gestures on your iPhone. Macworld has more on the new features of Apple TV software 2.4, and TechCrunch has a nice video showing how this works. For the most comprehensive look at what is new in Apple TV software 2.4, check out this iLounge article. I own an Apple TV, and I have to say that the iPhone makes an Apple TV many magnitudes better. They are a great pair.
- Wild West Pinball is a beautiful pinball game with amazing graphics and very nice game physics. The game is simple, but quite fun. It used to cost $2.99 but is now free. Click here to get Wild West Pinball (free):
- I've written before about Dan Lyons, the technology writer for Newsweek. This week, Lyons wrote an interesting article for Newsweek entitled "Why We Need Steve Jobs." Lyons has also resumed writing as Fake Steve Jobs on his funny blog The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs.
- Is that Obama on your iPhone or are you just happy to see me? The President in your Pocket is a $1 app from Cohen Research Group -- the folks behind Congress in Your Pocket -- that includes information (name, photo, title, address, phone, news, bio, etc.) on 100 of President Obama's top administration officials and their key deputies. I haven't tried it yet, but the developer says that you can send an e-mail to [email protected] for a free four-week trial. Click here to get President in Your Pocket ($0.99):
- Now that the iPhone 3GS has given a million people the ability to take video and upload it directly to YouTube, Ars Technica reports that YouTube saw a 400% increase in mobile video uploads since last Friday. I suspect that number will only grow.
- And finally, thanks to the new age restriction features of iPhone Software 3.0, Wired reports that Apple has finally started to allow adult apps on iTunes. I thought we had a lot of apps on iTunes already, but I can only imagine what is forthcoming. Indeed, just hours after this first app added adult content, the developer had to temporarily pull it due to his sever exceeding its capacity.