If you are a tax attorney who would like to have the Internal Revenue Code on your iPhone, you now have two choices. I've frequently discussed Cliff Maier's apps, and Cliff recently added IRC (Tax Code) ($14.99) to his growing reference app library. But a great alternative is an app from LawToGo.net called Internal Revenue Code (Tax Code) 2009 that sells for $13.99.
I'm not a tax attorney so I haven't given this a real world trial nor can I comment on the content. The app's website says that this app is up to date as of December 31, 2008, and says that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 will be included in the next (free) update. Nevertheless, from what I can tell, the app seems quite solid. You can use the app many different ways. First, you can just browse through sections, tapping to drill down to a specific section.
Additionally, you can search for a particular section. You can search for words, including AND search, OR search, and /n (within a certain number of words) search. Search terms are clearly highlighted in yellow in the search results.
If you know the particular section that you are looking for, you can also use the Search by Section No. feature. For example, like many Americans, I've recently been thinking quite a bit about my dwindling 401K. If I want to read Section 401(k) itself while I drown my sorrows, I can jump right to Section 401 and then scroll down to (k).
The app includes lots of additional features. You can use the arrows to browse back and forth through sections. You can e-mail a section of the tax code, you can add a section that you use frequently to your Bookmarks, and you can turn your iPhone screen on its side to view everything a little bit larger in landscape mode.
If you want to see this app in action before you buy it, there is a video overview on the LawToGo website. The developer has done a nice job with this app. I am sure that any tax attorney would find it very useful, and for the rest of us, it may serve as a useful sleep aid.
Click here to get LawToGo.net's Internal Revenue Code ($13.99):