Over the last several months, I've read with interest articles about airlines such as Continental and Delta starting to allow digital boarding passes on your iPhone or other cell phone. (The photo on the right is from this post on Engadget.) One of the things that I love about my iPhone it that it allows me to keep all of the information that is important to me in one place, replacing the countless pieces of paper that I am likely to misplace. So moving my boarding pass from a piece of paper to my iPhone is just another step in my attempt to reduce the paper in my life.
While I have seen a few articles about digital boarding passes, I haven't come across many first-hand accounts about how it works in practice, with the exception of this one post by Grant Martin a few weeks ago on the Gadling travel website. Martin describes how he was able to use his iPhone as his boarding pass. It is worth reading his entire post to get the full story, but he ends it as follows:
The reason for my post is that I am curious to hear from others who have used a digital boarding pass on their iPhone at one of the few airports that allows them to learn about how the process has worked in practice. Except for that one post from Grant Martin, I haven't come across much more on the Internet, even on FlyerTalk which is usually one of the best places to get advice and stories from frequent flyers. Here is a story about someone using a PDF version of his boarding pass on his iPhone with success, which is not the same thing but is certainly related.
A lot of you will, like me, be traveling over the next few weeks for the holidays. If you have the opportunity to use your iPhone as your boarding pass, I would love for you to share your experiences. Post a comment or send me an e-mail.