On March 2, 2011, Apple introduced the iPad 2, Apple's first attempt to improve upon the iPad. The iPad 2 itself was nicer because it was faster, thinner and lighter. But I was also excited about two new accessories. First, Apple introduced an HDMI connector, letting you send 1080p video to a TV, and opening the door to higher-quality presentations. (Having said that, it amazes me that, this many years later, I still encounter VGA more than HDMI when I give presentations using my iPad.) Second, Apple introduced the Smart Cover, a device that could both protect the screen of the iPad and work as a stand. Back in 2011, you could get either a polyurethane version for $39 or a leather version for $69. I opted for the leather version, and I used leather Smart Covers for many years with multiple versions of the iPad and iPad Air.
When Apple came out with the larger 12.9" iPad Pro in the Fall of 2015, I bought a new Smart Cover to accommodate the new size. I was curious if the extra weight of the 12.9" iPad Pro would make the Smart Cover less stable as a stand, but I was happy to discover that it worked just fine. However, Apple only released a polyurethane version of the Smart Cover for the 12.9" iPad Pro. Last month, when Apple released the second generation of the 12.9" iPad Pro, Apple also introduced the first 12.9" version of the leather Smart Cover. So you can now choose between a 12.9" polyurethane version for $59 or a 12.9" leather version for $79. (Both versions work with the first generation and second generation version of the 12.9" iPad Pro.) Here are my thoughts if you are trying to decide between the two.

Smart Covers are a great idea
Smart Covers have been around for so many years that I suspect most of you have owned or at least tried one by now. But for the sake of completeness, I will start by briefly noting why I like the Smart Cover so much as an iPad accessory.
First, it protects the screen. The glass on the iPad is pretty strong and scratch-resistant anyway, but with a Smart Cover you never need to worry about a sharp object damaging the screen. I also find that it makes the iPad easier to grip when carrying it, which provides further protection because I am less likely to drop my iPad.
Second, it gets out of the way when you don't need it. The genius of the Smart Cover is that is uses magnets built-in to the side of an iPad. Thus, it is easy to attach to the iPad, and easy to remove. When I am using my iPad at work at my desk, I typically don't have the Smart Cover attached. But whenever I pick up my iPad to take it to a meeting or another attorney's office, I always quickly attach it.
Third, it folds into a stand, in two different positions — one that keeps the iPad more flat with a slight rise in the back, great for using the Pencil or on-screen keyboard:

And one that keeps the iPad more upright, perfect for when you are looking at the screen more than touching it:

When I want my iPad upright for a more extended period of time, I actually prefer to use a dedicated stand to prop up my iPad so that I never have to worry about the iPad falling down, even if I push hard on the screen. And for over a year now, I've been incredibly happy with the Simplex Tablet iPad Stand by Thought Out which I reviewed in 2016. That device is only $30 and it is incredibly strong, and makes it easy to have my iPad propped up next to my computer so that I can use both at the same time. But the Simplex is heavy enough that I only rarely move it outside of my office. With the Smart Cover, I always have a stand with me, wherever I am, with no noticeable extra weight.
Polyurethane vs. Leather
Now you know why I recommend that attorneys get a Smart Cover for an iPad. The remaining question is: which one: polyurethane or leather? There are some differences, and the leather version is not always better even though it costs $20 more.
Strength. As I noted above, back in 2015, I was worried that the extra weight larger 12.9" version of the iPad would make the Smart Cover less capable as a stand. With the polyurethane version, that has not been a problem at all. But the leather version, for some reason, is not quite as strong when I have the iPad in the more fully upright position. Every time I did a side-by-side test, with the leather Smart Cover in stand mode on one of my 12.9" iPad Pros and the polyurethane on the other one, as I applied gradually more pressure to both iPads, the leather Smart Cover would always collapse before the polyurethane version.
Moreover, I have used the polyurethane version since the Fall of 2015 and it has only rarely failed as a stand — and when it did, it was often because I wasn't placing it on a flat surface, or I was applying what was really unreasonable pressure to the screen. I've been using the leather Smart Cover for a few weeks now, and there have been two times when I felt the triangle of the stand start to slip as I was using it. Admittedly, both times, I was probably applying more pressure than was necessary. The magnets holding the Smart Cover to itself just seem a little bit less strong on the leather version.
I don't mean to suggest that the leather version doesn't work as a stand. It does work, and it works well. But the polyurethane version works better.
Durability. Since I started with the bad news about the leather version, I'll move on to the other potentially negative issue. If you spill something on the polyurethane version, you can just wipe it off. But with the leather version, you can potentially stain the leather. I've never had this happen to me in my many years of using leather Smart Covers on a 9.7" iPad, but I've heard other folks mention it as a reason that they prefer the polyurethane version.
The two materials also wear differently. Polyurethane maintains the same look over time. Leather ages over time, and can change color, especially in areas where the oils from your hands touch the Smart Cover more often. I actually consider this a feature of the leather version, not a shortcoming; to me, it gains personality over time.
Look and feel. The main reason that I prefer the leather case is the way that it feels. The polyurethane Smart Cover has a slightly sticky feel to it. Even after using the polyurethane version for well over a year, I never really got used to it. As soon as I went back to the leather version a few weeks ago, I was instantly happy to return to the feel of leather. It feels great to the touch, the same way that leather seats in a car are nicer than seats with a plastic-y feel.
I also think that the leather looks much nicer too.
Colors. For the older 9.7" or newer 10.5" version of the iPad, you get more color options with polyurethane. I see that Apple currently sells seven 10.5" polyurethane colors: Mist Blue, Pollen, Flamingo, White, Pink Sand, Midnight Blue and Charcoal Gray. (You get eight options with the 9.7" Smart Cover.) But with the 12.9" polyurethane Smart Cover, your only color choices are White and Charcoal Gray. I'm not sure why Apple considers color so much less important with the larger model.
With the 12.9" leather Smart Cover, you get three color choices: Saddle Brown, Midnight Blue and Black. (The 10.5" leather Smart Cover has a fourth color: Taupe.)
Ultimately, it doesn't matter how many different colors are offered. All that really matters is whether there is a color that works for you. I prefer a dark color, which is available in both leather and polyurethane. But I prefer the Black leather to the almost-but-not-quite-black Charcoal Gray polyurethane. In the following picture. the polyurethane model is on top of the leather model:

Of course, if White, Saddle Brown or Midnight Blue is the best color for you, then you can make your selection accordingly.
After spending over a year using a polyurethane Smart Cover, I'm happy to be able to return to a leather Smart Cover. For me, it looks and feels so much nicer. I wish it was 100% as strong a stand as the polyurethane Smart Cover, but it is more than strong enough. The extra $20 is worth it for something that I carry around every day, and thus feel and look at every day.
If you are in the market for a 12.9" iPad Pro, or really any iPad for that matter, I encourage you to get a Smart Cover. They add protection and live up to the "smart" in their name by cleverly folding up into a stand and getting out of the way quickly when you don't need them. And best of all, now you once again have a choice of leather or polyurethane for the 12.9" version.
Click here for the leather 12.9" Smart Cover from Apple ($79.00)
Click here for the polyurethane 12.9" Smart Cover from Apple ($59.00)